extreme pornography

Obscenity Trial

Here are two posts by people who were present at the recent extreme pornography trial:

By Obscenity Lawyer, Myles Jackman.

The following blog on consent to sexual acts and representations was written a week after Michael Peacock’s acquittal and addresses the CPS’ guidelines on the OPA six-months prior to Simon Walsh’s Trial.
There is an update at the end of the blog, written today, on the current state of the guidelines and the role of the CPS, BBFC and Met in reviewing them…
Would you welcome an Anal Prolapse?”
This question was put in open Court in the obscenity trial of the decade, R v Peacock, by prosecution counsel Mr TimothyForster, in cross-examining the defence expert witness in pornography, Dr ClarissaSmith. Read more…
Extreme porn trial: well, thank you for that interesting anatomical lesson
Simon Walsh’s case has shown the Crown Prosecution Service to have a rather prurient interest in other people’s sex lives
I’m not sure if my mother, thrilled when I decided to study law, ever anticipated that this would involve me spending weeks in court live-tweeting about fisting and how best to stick metal rods down one’s penis. But it’s testament only to how extraordinary it is that Simon Walsh’s case at Kingston crown court ever reached this stage that I found myself doing exactly this. Read more…